Our blog

It was great fun to visit the worlds' largest convention on mobile tech! Even though many exhibitors weren't very “mobile”, they managed to keep the event coherent enough. I'm mostly surprised about the city of Barcelona, who managed to cater to a huge influx of about 150.000 visitors – public transportation, accommodation and restaurants were all prepared for the armada of geeks and business people alike.

Also very interesting to see how many major brands all used the word “next” in their slogan, in one way or another. One would think that everyone is starting to get tired of “now” and wants to see the future. We'll see what it holds.

Tom tits
Fun for all ages
Tom Tits is a huge building filled with experiments for young and old to experience together.

23C worked on an exciting project for the famous children’s theme park Tom Tits in Stockholm that uses interactive stations to teach kids about science. The stations tested different parts of the brain and the bodily senses. 23C used touch, movement and button interfaces to create an engaging and edicational experience. All the players test scores are saved via RFID tags (Radio Frequency ID), which allows users to check and compare their score later, online. The installation opened in 2014.

No matter which web browser you're rooting for in the "browser war", it's still important that we all support a free and open web. Please donate your pocket change to Mozilla foundation, so the other browser vendors have a good reason to keep their pace up!

We built a small heat-sensitive fire alarm from what you can find in the Arduino Starter-kit. Took us about 10min to set up the wiring, another 4-5min to code the alarm, and another 30min(!) to create this video.

Feel free to play around with the source code:

const int tempPin = A0;
const int soundPin = 8;
const float baselineTemp = 20.0;
int oldTemp = 0;

void setup() {
    for (int pin = 3; pin <= 5; pin++) {
      pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
      digitalWrite(pin, 0);
    digitalWrite(5, 1);

void loop() {
    int sensorVal = analogRead(tempPin);
    float voltage = (sensorVal/1024.0) * 5.0;
    float temperature = (voltage - .5) * 100;
    digitalWrite(3, 0);
    digitalWrite(4, 0);

    if (temperature > 25.0) {
        digitalWrite(4, 1);
    if (temperature > 27.0) {
        tone(soundPin, temperature * (temperature / 2), 50);
        digitalWrite(3, 1);

During the peak of the Flappy Bird craze, we decided to make our own take on the game. It has its own twist, since the bird now shoots pipe-melting lasers and the scenario is set in a dystopic future.

Super Flappy Laser screenshots
Super Flappy Lasers is our own dystopian take on a famous game.

Equipped with the latest nanobots and a reinforced beak, Robobobird has, after thousands of hours of meditation, acquired the power to shoot lasers. Players can play as the cloned bird Robobobird, genetically modified and brought up by a secret ninja tribe in the last rainforest on earth. Use his superpowers to shoot lasers and help him fly to reach his goal - world domination.

Super Flappy Lasers: Mega Ninja Edition is available on Google Play and iTunes AppStore.